Past Events

Siyum Meseches Kesubos
October 31, 2024
Hundreds of Daf Hashavua mesaymim gathered to celebrate completing Masechta Kesuvos, featuring Pre-Siyum learning by Harav Daniel Glatstein, Divrei Bracha from Harav Pinchas Novoseller, and a keynote by Harav Lipa Geldwerth. Lively dancing and a heartfelt kumzitz capped off the evening as participants prepare to begin Masechta Nedarim.

Siyum Meseches Yevamos
September 15, 2022
On Thursday, September 15th, a crowd of more than 700 hundred people filled the
spacious event space at Bell Works in Holmdel, New Jersey to celebrate the hard-earned
completion of Masechta Yevamos.

Teaneck End of Third Perek Zoom Shiur
January 11, 2021
Seven Teaneck chaburos joined together on Zoom in honor of the completion of the third perek of Yevamos. The shiur was given by Rav Mordechai Willig on the topic of contemporary issues in Meseches Yeevamos.

Monsey Chizuk Melave Malka
January 9, 2021
An exciting melava malka was held in Bais Medrash Sharei Tefilah in Monsey in recognition of the completion of the third perek in Yevamos. Divrei Chizuk and Hisorerus were delivered by Harav Yehoshua Elazar Schlesinger Shlit"a, Rav of Kehillas Bais Avraham.

First Ever Charidy Campaign
January 3-4, 2021
Thank you to everyone who generously partook in our first ever matching campaign. It is because of you that we were able to reach our goal and we are excited to continue to spread Torah across the globe!

Global Siyum Meseches Chagiga - Sivan 5780
May 24, 2020
Over 1,000 lomdei daf hashavua across the globe participated in a virtual siyum marking the completion of seder moed.

Holiday Shiurim
With Rav Shalom Kamenetsky (bottom) and Rav Shlomo Gottesman on Hoshanah Rabbah.

Florida Melavah Malka
February 2, 2019
Over 120 participants from all five Florida locations came together for a night of chizuk. Pictured: (clockwise) Rabbi Yosef Weinstock, Rabbi Moshe Schreck, Duvy Gross, Shimy Globman, Ephraim Sobel (host).

Board Meeting
In Philadelphia with Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky. Picture (R-L) Nosson Schwab, Shimi Globman, Rav Shmuel, & Zacharia Adler.

Siyum on Maseches Megillah
Siyum in South Africa

Rav Teitz Yahrtzeit Event
JEC Yeshiva hosted an event commemorating Rav Teitz, the original founder of the Daf Hashovua concept. The event featured a shiur with Zev Brenner's live radio show.

Honorable Mention by Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky Shlita
Watch R' Shmuel Kaminetzky speak about Daf Hashavua at the 2018 Agudah Convention in the Keynote Address.

Siyum Maseches Rosh Hashanah - Nissan 5778
March 20, 2018
Daf Hashovua participants came from far and wide to attend the Maseches Rosh Hashanah National Siyum Event in Passaic, NJ. Shimi Globman introduced a special chazarah initiative, and participants were privileged to hear addresses from Rav Moshe Ahron Friedman and Rav Shmuel Ismach.

Siyum Maseches Beitzah - Tamuz 5777
July 16, 2017
Hundreds gathered in Passaic, NJ for the siyum of Maseches Beitzah, with many others participating online via Torah Anytime.

Annual Melave Malka 5777
February 4, 2017
Participants gathered to show support for Daf Hashovua and enjoy divrei Torah from Rabbi Yaakov Glasser and Rabbi Nosson Greenberg.

Hoshana Rabbah 5777 Learning Event
October 22, 2016
Daf Hashovua participants gathered in several cities to join in a special Leil Hoshana Rabbah learning program, ushering in the start of Maseches Beitzah.

Siyum Maseches Sukah - Tishrei 5777
October 9, 2016
Hundreds joined in the siuym of Maseches Sukah in Passaic, which was broadcast live via TorahAnytime.

Teimani Esrogim Presentation - Rabbi Sholom Ghoori
June 15, 2016
Rabbi Sholom Ghoori, of the Shalsheles Harabbonim of Teiman and author of Kuntres Esrog Chazal, delivered a spirited presentation advocating for the authenticity of Teimani esrogim.

Daled Minim Presentation - Rabbi Avrohom Reit
April 27 & May 29, 2016
Rabbi Avrohom Reit, author of Lekicha Tama - the Lulav and Esrog Buying Guide, delivered a two-part slide presentation clarifying some of the practical issues related to lulavim and esrogim that are discussed in the 3rd perek of Maseches Sukkah. The events were broadcast via live teleconference. Videos of the presentations are made available here.

Monsey Night Seder Breakfast
April 10, 2016
Many gathered for a special seudas chizuk upon completion of the second perek of Maseches Sukkah, hosted by the Monsey Night Seder. Participants were privileged to hear divrei chizuk from HaRav Yisrael Falk Shlit"a and Rav Daniel Schwab Shlit"a.

Annual Melave Malka 5776
March 12, 2016
A packed crowd including Passaic-Clifton residents as well as members of the Monsey Night Seder joined in Passaic to show their support for Daf Hashovua. The olam was privileged to hear words of chizuk from Rav Fischel Schachter shlit"a.

Siyum Maseches Yoma - Tishrei 5776
September 20, 2015
Hundreds of people gathered in Congregation Bais Torah Utefiloh in Passaic, New Jersey to celebrate the siyum of Maseches Yoma just days before Yom Kippur.

Annual Breakfast 5775
June 7, 2015
Many gathered at Agudas Yisroel Bircas Yaakov in Passaic, NJ for a special breakfast in honor of beginning the last perek of Maseches Yoma. Participants were privileged to hear divrei chizuk from Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky, shlit"a, Rosh Yeshiva of South Shore and Author of Streets of Life (Ami Magazine).

Siyum Maseches Shekalim - Shevat 5774
January 26, 2014
A packed beis medrash at Congregation Bais Torah U'Tefilah (BTU) in Passaic, NJ celebrated the completion of Maseches Shekalim and beginning of Maseches Yoma. Participants were inspired by the words of special guest speaker HaRav Yissocher Frand, shlit"a.